Tag Archives: blog

Hello world!

24 Nov

Welcome to my little piece of creative heaven! This blog is where I will be posting the random creations and total disasters I create in my spare time. I’m a very artistic person at heart, and I have to be creating things on a regular basis for the sake of my own sanity. That’s why I decided to start this blog – to share with the world some of the things I would keep to myself (or my closet or garbage can) otherwise.

I will be experimenting with arts and crafts I’ve never tried before, as well as sharing some personal projects I create for my photo shoots or fashion line. Yes, I’m also a photographer and designer. And a writer. And a painter. And I’m just going to stop there, because there’s no sense in telling all of my secrets right away!

Enjoy your stay, and feel free to leave comments on anything I post! Keep in mind, though, that I will not tolerate spam or unnecessarily rude comments.

