Archive | January, 2013

I’m Back!

30 Jan

Okay, so after being sick for nearly two weeks, I got suckered into covering a bunch of shifts for someone at work and haven’t had time to get much else done. But now that I’m not confined to my couch with hot liquids or working non-stop, I’ll be back to posting regularly! I’m still deciding which post I’m going to write first, but I’ve narrowed it down to a short story, something baked/cooked, or a prop I’ll be using for an upcoming photo shoot. Expect at least one of those between now and next Wednesday, maybe two depending on how I’m feeling.

Until that new post is finished, feel free to tell me which one you’d prefer to see first or if there is something else you’d like a tutorial on. I’m no expert, but I’m willing to try pretty much anything if it’s crafty and won’t cost a fortune. 😉

And, since I have your attention anyway, here is the twin for the drawing I shared last month (“James”). This is Julian, who is also from the book series I’m working on. I shared his character sketch (portrait) in my 5 Things I Learned While Writing My First Novel post.


So, what do you want to read about next? Let me know! 🙂

Sick Day

4 Jan

Hey everyone, I’m just writing a quick post to let you all know that the tutorial for this week will be late. I’ve been really under the weather all week, so no crafting has been happening at all. (I’ve been editing my novel very, very slowly instead of crafting because all it requires is my laptop.)

I’m super excited about the next tutorials I’ll be doing, though, and some of the other things I’ll be sharing, so there may be 2 posts next week to make up for it. Until then, I’m going to go keep drinking chai and water and chicken soup until my head stops threatening to explode.

Not the best way to start the new year, but maybe I’ll get lucky and not get sick again until really late in the year. I hope everyone else out there is enjoying 2013 so far, and if you’re feeling sick as well, I feel your pain (and get well soon!).